Scientists find another Earth


After the smarty pants decided Pluto isn't a planet anymore, now they've discovered a new planet.

French scientists have confirmed with computer models that Gliese 581d, a planet orbiting a red dwarf star about 20 light years from here, has a stable atmosphere, comfortable temperatures, and a surface covered in liquid water. It's the first planet orbiting another star that could definitely support life, and it's basically next door.


  1. Twice the size of Earth (and six times the mass)
  2. Rocky (not a gas giant like Jupiter or Saturn).

This means that it's large enough and dense enough to be able to hold on to a substantial atmosphere.

Downside? Probably would take them 300,000 years to reach the Gliese system. And next year is 2012.



Community Sketch said...

300,000 years to make it? Ouch. Cool post!

adss said...

space travel technlology is nowhere near advanced enough to even think about sending anything to these planets anyway


scientists should focus on travelling faster !

Patwa said...

wow , cool ^^

TonySanchez said...

Gliese 581d was discovered in like 2006, but thanks for the reminder :)

FrostyC said...

So if it takes 300,000 years to get to, it's pretty damn far away... Further than any satellite could travel in the time we've had the technology, and we definitely didn't see it through a telescope, nor a combination of satellite and telescope. So... how exactly was this even found? I'm calling BS...

Daniel said...

180.4 trillion miles, i better hurry up...

llllollllll said...

We are discovering so many new planets. The rate of more discoveries has really gone up these past few years.

Quick Reads said...

Wow!! I'm always amazed about these kinds of things, imagine if we could travel and see how are things there, this makes me happy, take care!

Jeff Beck said...

Woah, that's crazy, life somewhere else?

Nice blog bro, I'll follow it

phosports said...

only 300,000 years....

Triper said...

Incredible and amazing news! i love this theme.

Renkano said...

I'll be there in 10 mins

ScrewsAndFeathers said...

No way! I heard some this about Gliese before, but never that it had a surface of liquid water.
This might actually become our new home!

ttoti said...

Havent they already found this planet?

Razor said...

Was this the one that they mentioned a few months back that MAY be able to hold life? or is this the one that was near it?

Mest said...

Do they have photos of this planet??

LiquorKing said...

It's a shame we were all born too soon to explore the galaxy

Jay said...

300,000 years is a long time.

Cameron said...

It'd be cool if we were at a stage in spacial innovation where we could just send a group of people to breed through the long treks of space flight. Let's hope that if there is life on the planet and if they are watching us too that their not the genocidal type.

Anonymous said...

Gotta tell my father about this, he loves everything about space.

Followed you.

David Ian said...

nice post bro wanna see more like this one

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