More buttons, less problems


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Google Inc. have rolled out it's “+1” button for websites, allowing users to recommend things to their contacts and friends.

Sites that you've “+1” will appear more prominently in your friends’ search result (implying you have friends), provided that your pals have +1 enabled and are have login to their Google accounts.

The button already is available on sites like Mashable and the Huffington Post.

Google’s +1, however, is a little different. Instead of focusing on a separate social network like Facebook's "Like" button that is everywhere in the internet, it is geared toward search, which is the thing Google does best (and adSense). Because Page Rank is crucial to websites, webmasters might will have more of an incentive to include the +1 button.

LulzImg v2 - Hosting your images for teh lulz!

The Twitter “follow” button, on the other hand, is a service to get more novice interweb users to be sucked into Twitter. If website readers see that they can use Twitter to get more information from their favorite actors, they might be more likely to get on board the Tw@ter.


Alexis said...

Very interesting, I hadn't noticed that button!

ttoti said...

Thats pretty cool

FrostyC said...

Screw Twitter.

Mike said...

Twitter is neat:)

Triper said...

Great blog, very good advices.

non-observant said...

I've seen the +1 button but avoided it on principle without knowing what it did.

Anonymous said...

I really like the new "+1" system it's a great idea, problem is theres like 8,000 things like it already antone remember digg?

Catherine said...

That's what that's for! I see! Awesome, thanks for the explanation!

Jesse Crows said...

its probably for best

M Fawful said...

I like the +1 idea, but this is probably another step along the road to Digg being obsolete.

Finding Cheap Homes said...

This pretty cool, I'll be sure to ad it to my blog!

Thanks for sharing, definitely following!

SkyBlue said...

i am adopting the +1 button to see how it goes ;p

I have followed your blog, could you follow my blog too and +1 my blog? Thanks!

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Sean said...

I've been seeing these buttons everywhere. I have a twitter account but I don't use it and don't see the point of it too much. For companies it is great for advertising though

Motivationalized said...

Another gimmick, tho I guess those who get on the ship first will gain some ground in the search results.

Anonymous said...

this is a blog mmmm

Anonymous said...

That looks great.

Unknown said...

This is really useful, I had been wondering what the little "+1" button was for. I'm going to follow so I can see what other information you post.

Anonymous said...

Thank you,now i can use that +1 button.

Chain said...

Cool ! :) followed

Kakadudu said...

really awesome! followed

jhonny said...

nice writing like it!

Zander said...

cool blog! followed!

Asty said...

twitter, lol

Expected Destiny said...

i've already seen so many of those +1's, looks like they will be hot!

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