Three arrested for Sony attacks


Spanish police have arrested three men suspected to be members of the hacker group "Anonymous" on Friday, charging them with organizing cyber attacks against the websites of Sony Corp, banks and governments. Despite that, they weren't responsible for the recent massive 1 month downtime of Sony's PlayStation Network that compromised 100 million user's data.

The three alleged "hacktivists" helped organize an attack that temporarily disabled access to Sony's websites.
The men also were charged for launching attacks on Spanish banks BBVA and Bankia, and Italian energy group Enel SpA.

Spanish police said the accused, all in their 30's and Spanish, were arrested in Almeria, Barcelona and Alicante, and were guilty of coordinated computer hacking attacks from a server set up in a house in Gijon in the north of Spain.

The police did not rule out further arrests while  Sony PlayStation spokesman Dan Race declined to comment on the arrests on Friday.


Anonymous said...

Wow. Just wow.


These hacktivists are so powerful... thats scary !

Anonymous said...

what's with the "V for Vendetta" mask?!

animestan said...

Meh. Sony should be more secure.

Mile2Marathon said...

They should be- it's a ballache for it's customers

BigOryx said...

haha, those Spanish hackers D:

James said...

Regardless of whether they caught the hackers or not, Sony's credibility took a huge hit from this.

Mikael B said...

That's why i chose windows live over psn - even though you pay for the one service, it's still the more security you get.

Doc_Waffles said...

So basically: None of the hackers have been arrested, three idiots who used a LOIC to DDOS and don't know how just thought it would be cool are in jail.

Unknown said...

Payback for the time that i can't connect my ps3 to internet :c

Oh_B_City said...

Well at least they're starting to find the people who did it.

Delirium Tiger said...

They used DDoS attack or some real hacking?

Mikko said...

haha hacktivists.. The title suits them well :)

Blood487 said...

Hah,about time they were caught!

Lost dozen's of quality online gametime thanks to them! :P

Well done to the Police!

Moobeat said...


Spader said...

payback for ps3

Michael Kato said...

Hope they don't get too much prison time. Sucks for them.

Mr. Cactus said...

As a PS3 owner I for one am glad.

Noctis said...

Nice work for once..

RogerSwag said...

Atleast they are taking the appropriate steps to tackle this situation.

Shreddie Murphy said...


Pockets said...

Hacktivists. I'm not sure how I feel about this portmanteau.

Deploier said...


Lol.. Following

bmx4130 said...

That's pretty crazy. That whole playstation situation has been a big mess.

Jackson.k said...

sheesh, im glad they got these guys. I've heard they were planning more attacks on other companies.

ah_poo23 said...

I like how everyone thinks anonymous caused the months of psn down time and stole all the data that was stolen. People sure do pay attention huh?

Shaw said...

3 fall and 6 will take up their place!

James said...

Quite a shock they found something like this.

jhonny said...

that mask looks pretty cool, love that movie :)

Taylor said...

I'm glad they got arrested, I wouldn't have been surprised if they tried to hack it again.

Radux said...

Not so anonymous, huh? :D

LinksZee said...
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LinksZee said...

im surprised that they're in their 30's. I wonder how many more arrests will be made because i don't think these guys are alone.

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